What is FUE hair transplant technique and procedure for hair regrowth is a basic question that every hair loss doctor has to explain to his patients during consultation. ‘Follicular Unit Extraction’ works on a principle, in which follicles are extracted from the scalp having a good donor area and then placing those at recipient sites on the scalp through surgical grafting. This technique is becoming popular at a very fast pace because it yields more natural results unlike other hair transplant techniques. This treatment requires time. However, your skin type and sensitivity are the main contributing factor that somehow affects the length of healing duration. It is not really painful because only healthy follicles are extracted as in other techniques where strips of skin are removed to fill the bald areas of the scalp. Required grafts are extracted from both sides of your head. This technique requires probably 8 to 9 months in order to see some natural appearance. If you require minimal coverage or maximum number of grafts on your bald scalp, then this is a suitable option for you.
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What is a fue hair transplant advantage when we compare it with strip hair restoration surgery. This method is more beneficial and there are very convincing factors in order to validate our point. The treatment leaves no obvious mark or linear scar on your scalp. This process leaves microscopic marks that are not even visible. Additionally, it will suppress previous scars. Even after the transplant the patient can carry out his daily work quite effectively because no major surgical operation is involved in it . Surgical wounds heal in less time as compared to older techniques. In this method follicles can be extracted from any body part not just from the scalp and such process is called body hair transplant. This technique does not involve extraction of the whole strip so this is a linear scar free method.
There is nothing in this man dominating world, nothing is flawless, so this FUE procedure also comes up with some limitations. Follicular Unit Extraction technique is more effective than Follicular Unit Transplantation technique. Unlike FUT transplant technique FUE method fails to yield desired alignment of the follicles. FUE methods require complete removal of graft from the donor area which may give thinning of the donor area if a bigger size punch is used for extraction. Another problem is this technique is very expensive depending on the number of grafts required for treatment. This procedure is relatively long and it becomes tiring for the patient to bear this treatment. As extreme bald surfaces require a greater number of grafts that is a major limitation because the specific number of grafts can be extracted in one day. However it can be performed on the second and third day as well to give maximum coverage of the bald area in a single session. One surgeon can treat only one patient in a day. This is also an important reason which makes this technique costly and effective as compared to other traditional methods.
What is Fue hair transplant cost? The technique is becoming very popular in Pakistan among people by seeking ways to deal with issues related to baldness. It provides a better option and alternative against old traditional hair restoration surgery techniques. Various advancements are going on in this latest method making it a more effective and automated technique. These developments will surely enhance the efficiency of this method. This technique is good for male and female hair loss treatment.
Who is the best doctor for Fue hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?
Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is the best surgeon performing follicular unit extraction technique and he has 23 years experience and Board certified surgeon from France in this field.
Which clinic is using body hair to head in Fue hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?
Our clinic is using beard and body hair to head where scalp donor areas are inadequate to correct or density or thickness.
What is the average cost of Fue hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?
The price range is 90,000 to 175,000 Pak Rupee in the city at various clinics.
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