Laser hair removal side effects


Laser hair removal side effects include redness, itching, swelling and mild pain. However these are temporary and overall procedure is safe with FDA approved machines. Excess hair growth on the body, particularly on facial area in females is an annoying situation for many individuals. Underlying causes of abnormal growth can vary depending upon medical condition include hirsutism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), medications and hormonal imbalances. Managing underlying causes of unwanted hair can reduce excessive growth which is associated with any medical condition. Unwanted hair growth is also common in many healthy individuals, so they are finding ways to remove them. Use of razors, wax, threads and epilators are common but to get long lasting results laser technology used for hair removal in Lahore Pakistan is a great step. It is the demanding and most performed cosmetic procedure. Complication of the procedure are a matter of concern for those individuals planning to undergo. Laser targets melanin pigment  and destroys them to reduce growth.

laser hair removal side effects

Laser hair removal side effects face area 

The risks can be client related or practitioner related. Client related factors are common in those individuals whose skin is more exposed to sun as they are more prone to sunburn, those having darker complexion of skin and acne prone or sensitive skin. Client’s hair and skin colour, plan of treatment offered to him and client’s compliance with before and after care instructions are the main factors that vary its side effects from client to client. Doctors relate these are due to novice practitioner who is unskillful and less experienced, a practitioner not following manufacturer’s guide while operating device and using a low quality device. These complications are minor and not an alarming situation, common among them are mentioned below. If you have any below complications then our specialist will guide and help you. It does not matter you got your procedure from other city or some other clinic. 

Redness induced by laser

Swelling and redness of skin: If the underlying treatment area is sensitive, then irritation, swelling and redness are more pronounced in these areas. Applying cooling gel and cold pack after treatment reduce these effects.

Dyspigmentation: After the procedure, many individuals see spotting on skin i.e. light spots on dark skin and dark spots on fair skin. These are changes in pigmentation that are present temporarily after the session.

Scarring: Scars form when some injury to skin is made. During the treatment if the cosmetologist makes any mistake then as a result of this scars form. They are also common in individuals who are not following aftercare.

Crusting: The accumulated dried exudate on the surface of skin leads to crusting. The affected part of skin undergoing treatment may suffer from crusting. Using moisturizer and taking care of skin can prevent this temporary problem.

Ocular injury: If the treatment area is the face of a person then injury to eyes is common as it emits radiations so ocular injury is also considered as a side effects and risk factor. It can be prevented by using goggles.

Risk of burns: If the procedure is performed by an inexperienced practitioner , burning can happen. Burns lead to skin lesions and blisters. A laser with a cooling device attached with it or applying cooling gel to skin can reduce this risk.

Excessive hair growth: In some individuals there is a rare occurring i.e. they show excessive growth of hair at treated site. It is a rare situation and is a matter of concern if it happens.

Infections on skin: After the treatment, some individuals are seen with bacterial infections of skin.

Rejecting false assumptions about laser hair removal side effects and risks

It is commonly assumed that this treatment causes skin cancer as it emits radiations. The Evidence suggests that the amount of dose of radiation emitted by it is safe hence causing no risk of cancer. Cosmetologists who are regularly encountering radiations of this machine  are at greater risk of exposure but wearing a special goggle can make it a safer treatment for them. Most people also considered it as a painful procedure. In reality it is a non invasive and pain free procedure.

Sometimes laser hair removal side effects can happen and our clinic is using FDA approved machines so minimum chances of complications. Secondly the procedure is performed by foreign qualified doctor and assesses the skin and sets the parameter to operate the machine. 

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