Pitted acne scar treatment Lahore

Pitted acne scar treatment in Lahore information-Pitted acne scars are caused by severe acne which leaves an uneven depression on the skin even after the pimple or white spot disappears. These scars are indented on to the surface of the skin and appear unpleasant since they make the skin look uneven. Pitted acne scars can’t be treated through many home based treatments but in case of severe acne scars medical treatment should be used. Acne scar treatment in Lahore is performed by experienced doctor to get rid of marks, spots and depression on face. Dermatologists can perform invasive cosmetic procedures that can be painful but give a smooth look to the skin and eliminate pitted acne scars. The first step is to consult a proper dermatologist, who discusses the problem with the patient and decides whether medical treatment is necessary or not. The doctor examines the skin to determine if the patient is in the midst of an active breakout or not. The pitted scars that result from acne that is not deep rooted, can be treated with a chemical peel. A chemical peel is a minor invasive procedure that doesn’t require much healing time as compared to other scar revision treatments. Chemicals are applied to the face to burn off the top layer of the skin where all the acne scars are visible. The fresh layer of skin from beneath the top layer is then visible and it is soft, even and smooth. The depth of the peel varies according to the depth of the pitted acne scars. Another cure for pitted acne scars is the laser treatments for deep acne scars. It is also called scar revision, in which high concentrations of light are beamed at the targeted area and causes new skin to surface. Studies showed that almost all the patients treated with laser for pitted acne witnessed good results although the healing time varied. There are a few minor side effects of laser therapy since it can cause some discoloration and redness of the skin for up to few days after treatment. Laser treatments do not cause any type of infection or residual scarring as compared to other invasive methods. Acne scar treatment Lahore is possible with latest pixel laser treatment

Pitted acne scars treatment Lahore with filler and Laser 

Fillers may also be used to treat pitted acne scars. If the scars are filled with collagen, the bumpy look is removed and the skin is temporarily fixed. Fillers are materials such as collagen, fat and acids that are injected into the area of the scar to raise it up to the epidermal level. When the scars are filled, the complexion appears smoother. The type of material injected into the scars determines the period for which the scars remain filled. Many people who undergo filler treatment for scars or wrinkles need to go through the procedure repeatedly. Another technical procedure which is not as popular as the previous ones is grafting of healthy skin onto the pitted acne scar area. This is almost like plastic surgery and has been used to treat irremovable accident scars and marks. This procedure is called punch grafting and with this the surgeon removes each pitted scar with a tool that looks like a hole punch and then replaces the damaged skin with the healthy skin patch. The healthy skin patch is usually taken from behind the ears, which is the least visible area on the head.

Pimple scar result Lahore

Acne pores result Lahore

Fractional Laser skin resurfacing Lahore

Below are pictures taken before and after acne scar treatment in Lahore by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry. Acne scars treatment Lahore is a reality and no need to worry any more

Acne scar treatment Lahore


Laser skin Resurfacing Lahore

Redness immediately after laser session

The above pictures show acne scar treatment in Lahore by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry at his clinic on 05th October 2013. There will be 5-8 sessions after every 3 to 4 weeks interval for smooth and flawless skin. Popular treatments offered at our skin specialist in Lahore are:- Laser treatment for acne scars, tips for acne scars, how to get rid of acne scars, acne tips, remedy for pimples. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry performed 8000 acne scars treatments in Lahore at his clinic for last 23 years successfully. We will take acne scars before and after photos of every patient so that one can compare results and improvement.

 Acne scars (Khadday) treatment cost in Lahore

Acne scars depth and width varies from person to person. There are different kinds of pitted (holes) acne scar like ice pick, boxcar, rolling edge. Laser treatment for acne scars cost in Lahore also based on technology. Some clinics have Chinese and Korean Laser and their prices are less while giving a lot of side effects. FDA approved lasers for acne scars treatments in Lahore are few due their high cost. Cosmoderma clinic has FDA approved Alma Laser and one session typically will cost you 10,000 to 14000 Rs.

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