Peels that treat pitted scars are performed at our clinic in Lahore for acne scars and open pores on dark skin is Salicylic Acid and our clinic offer this treatment for the last 23 years in Lahore. These are cosmetic treatments that lead to a markedly improved appearance of the face and skin tone. These are used to treat a variety of skin problems, which include the treatment of photoaging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne, precancerous lesions, and discoloration (or dyschromia). In layman’s terms they inflict a controlled injury on the skin, initiating a healing process which leads to production of healthy, new skin which has a much better appearance. These peels are referred to as ‘chemical’ peels for a specific reason. This is because they contain chemicals like glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, “Jessners” solution, and phenol. These are the various agents which inflict different degrees of injury to the skin to initiate the healing process. A specific agent is used considering the degree of scars on the skin that need to be treated; deeper the pit, stronger the agent. These agents are also classified into two categories depending on the layer of skin they affect. These include superficial peels (glycolic acid) that produce injury only on the upper layer, the epidermis. These are suitable to treat acne and dyschromia. Deeper peels (phenol) affect the inner layer too so are viable to treat wrinkles and photo-aging.
Peels that treat scars and side effects
Using chemical peels usually requires intensive cleansing of the skin at the affected area beforehand. Light peels, medium depth peels and deep peels are used respectively to get the desired results. These have their after affects depending on the strength of the agent used. Burning, scarring, permanent changes in texture, darkness and redness are some signs that can be observed depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment. That is why people with active infections, poor general health, abnormal scarring and serious skin diseases are frequently advised against using the chemical peel treatment to cure scars. The general mechanism is that when the upper dead layer of skin is removed, wrinkles and scars become much less visible. This is certainly not the permanent solution so that is what the potent agents glycolic acid are used for. In most circumstances, recovery times can be as less as a week. Some can however, be far more depending on the intensity of treatment and peel agent used.
Chemical peel for acne scar cost in Lahore
Chemical peel treatment is mostly used because it is the most cheapest method of removal of acne scars. Laser treatment, although much effective with great results, cannot be necessarily be afforded by many people, despite its costs being much less in Pakistan than overseas. The results of these radiant peels are instant, but they require 4 to 6 treatments for optimum long term. While chemical peels do not actually remove acne scar tissue, they assist doctors in controlling the appearance of the skin. By damaging the scar tissue with injury caused by chemical peels, the doctors can influence the production of collage in specific areas of the scar, which is a step towards the scar’s removal. As chemical peels are actually just agents being applied on the skin, they have been used for hundreds of years for scar treatment and have proved safe and markedly effective when used by the proper hands. The general lesson is that such anomalies are certainly curable by very easy methods so should certainly not cause much duress to the individual.
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